It's getting close to bed time... actually, Amanda is on her way to bed. I thought I'd write to say hello. I know that if you are reading this you are looking for pictures. Well, one of my ambitions is to organize our picture collection. In the process of that, I'll be posting some pics. I think we need to get back to taking some pictures. Since China we haven't taken many, which isn't good.
All the kids have been taking swimming lessons, which they love. They have an absolute blast there. Connor was hilarious tonight. The boys are practicing their strokes so they are learning to kick and use their arms together. Connnor would push off from the wall and do his strokes fine. But, when returning to the wall, he'd only do one arm... the other arm would just sort of lay limp at his side. We were all cracking up because we couldn't figure out why he did it.
The girls are doing really well, also. At the start of this session Jenna wouldn't let go of the teacher, not on her life. Several times she almost ripped the instructor's swimsuit off she was clinging so tight. Now, however, she can float on one of the noodles and kick herself all around the pool by herself.
I have been doing some flying, learning how to fly 1863C - Dad's Cessna 170. Our friend, Rich Young, has been taking me up and giving me some tail dragger instruction. I'm having fun but I think I'm a bit of a slow study. "Dude, you gotta flare" can be heard from Rich during our landings as he grabs the controls.
We have a couple more weekends in town but I am itching to go somewhere. I think we'll try a weekend up at Big Lake soon or maybe just a day trip down to the Kenai... who knows, just SOMEWHERE!
Stay tuned for pictures...