Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

We had a great Christmas today. Grandma and Grandpa Twinkie (Amanda's parents) sent us a bunch of gifts that we had fun opening all morning. They had sent us questionairres awhile ago and many of the humorous answers we had replied with came back wrapped up as little packages.
In the evening we had my family over and had dinner and another present exchange. It was all very nice.
Many of the gifts Amanda and I received this year revolved around the theme of wine. Sara bought us a nice carrier and 2 bottles, one a Bordeaux. I was very excited about that as I haven't had a Bordeaux before, but have wanted to try one. I am realizing more and more how much I really like the complexity and different dimensions of wine. So, hopefully that will get incorporated into some of the posts here.
Now, this is the week where you start preparing for all the New Year's Eve resolutions you are going to make. I cleaned up the garage so I could start weight training again. :) I'll keep you all posted.
For now, it is good night. Can you believe it... I have an 8am meeting tomorrow. Ugh.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Well, Christmas is almost here and I'm thinking of New Year's resolutions. I read that keeping memories of things is a way to preserve the good times and it makes you happier. So, one resolution I have is to keep this updated with our family events as I want to have a lot of happy family memories.