Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Funny... and back

Holy Cow! It has been almost a year since I've posted here. I've been thinking a lot about it since I enjoy writing. Then, a funny story happened and I figured that was a good excuse to post on the blog.

Ok, so my one funny story… it just happened. I was tucking the girls in to bed… well, they went down to bed and as I came down they were telling me there was a spider. There was a small spider on the wall close to where Jenna’s head is at (she's on the top bunk). I told Jenna to go get a paper towel. “ohhh”, she says, cuz you know, it makes her nervous. She came back and I told her she had to get it, but get it fast otherwise he’ll get away.
“Ok, but will you throw it away?” she says as she’s climbing back up. I agree and she goes right after it and gets it quickly and wads it up and hands it to me. She starts crawling in bed as I’m squishing it up tight.
Then, I exclaim, “ah, it got out! It’s on your pillow, Jenna!”
She bolts! She scurries down her bed, puts two hands on either side of the ladder, swings her feet through, and launches herself off the bed, landing on the floor! I didn’t even have time to say “wait!” It would be like me jumping from 14 feet up! Of course she was fine and was laughing; I was cracking up… I couldn’t believe it. She's our natural gymnast.

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